There was this one gig where we busked half naked in the bathroom of the pub where we were celebrating our annual Bodarks Birthday Bash. Because, ya know, we have this "Birthday Suit" song we do. So it just seemed natural. Robert initiated it by stripping down to the skin while the crowd watching outside the door in horror was thankful they were shielded from the glare by our instruments.
Leading up to the bathroom incident, the amazing staff of The Celt Irish Pub had made us a birthday cake. And having a sweet tooth the size of Kentucky, I was eyeballing the icing as we played our first set. Finally, unable to resist, we start cramming this thing in each others' faces in the middle of Anthony's accordion solo.
This Birthday Bash tradition goes back years. In celebration of the launch of our band on February 11th, 2012 at Schmitty's Bar & Grill (click HERE for more about that), we held our first birthday bash there one year later, in February 2013. Fully clothed on this particular occasion. We pre-gamed with our very own Bodark Belgian Wit beer, the handiwork of Shelly, and were joined later by many of our buddies who'd supported us from the beginning.
Had so much fun, we decided to make it an annual thing. So now, every year around mid-February we have our Bodarks Birthday Bash. And, generally, we keep our threads on.
Our 8th Birthday Bash was at the famous Poor David's Pub in Dallas, joined by a mass of kazoo solos from the crowd during "The Bodark Song."

Next, we celebrated our 9th Birthday Bash at the fancy-pants Third Rail at Grapevine's Hotel Vin, where those kind folks whipped us up a gourmet birthday cake (click HERE for more about Third Rail and our friend Warren Stowe). Again, we kept our birthday suits concealed for that one.
But, for Birthday Bash #10, we're heading back to our home pub, The Celt, where "the incident" occurred. You never know what kind of shenanigans may go down in that bathroom or on that stage. What we do know is we've got ourselves a whole lineup of surprise guests joining in for some hootenanny jams to celebrate a decade of Bodarkin'!
We'll try to keep our clothes on this time. And you can sing along with us to our tune, "Birthday Suit":
Let's dance around the sun, add a candle to your cake
Naked as the day you were born we'll celebrate
With the body God gave ya when Adam ate the fruit
Have a party in your birthday suit, Oh yeah - Have a party in your birthday suit
Lady Godiva may stop a little traffic
But just because she's in the buff don't mean it's pornographic
Jiggle that jellyroll and shake your grapefruit
Have a party in your birthday suit, Oh yeah - Have a party in your birthday suit
Once upon a time you were ready and willing
To show them where the sun don't shine
But now when you take it off you get that funny funny feeling
Well you can show me yours and Honey, I'll show you mine
So have a happy birthday like Mother Nature made ya
The same old fashioned way your mom and daddy laid ya
Never be ashamed of your family root
Have a party in your birthday suit, Oh yeah - Have a party in your birthday suit
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